Transition Time

November 21, 2009

Wow! It’s hard to believe Thanksgiving is just a few days away. The Student Union Election season has come to an end and it is time for us to begin the transition process. Between now and the end of the semester the current Executive Board and Senate as well as the newly elected members of these bodies will be coming together to reflect and critique the past year as well as think ahead for the next term. Through this process, the newly elected individuals will learn the ins and outs of the positions they will assume in January so that they can begin to produce effective results right away.

During this time of reflection and planning, it is important–as always–for us to hear from you. We need your feedback, comments, and suggestions in order for the Student Union to be as effective as possible. So, send us an email, fill out the comments/suggestions form on the website, or stop us on the Quad before class. We really want to hear from you!

May you travel home safely to your families and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

With love for JCU,

Announcing the 2010 Student Union Executive Board

November 11, 2009

It is my pleasure to announce the 2010 Student Union Executive Board:

President: Amanda Papa ’11
Executive Vice President: Rita Rochford ’12
Vice President for Business Affairs: Michael J. Fox ’12
Vice President for Judicial Affairs: Lauren Halladay ’12
Vice President for Student Organizations: Chelsey Neuhaus ’11
Vice President for Programming: Angela Petitto ’11
Vice President for Communication: Ashley Bauer ’11


With love for JCU,

Election Season

November 4, 2009

It’s so hard to believe that it is once again time for Student Union Elections-it seems like yesterday we were elected the 2009 Executive Board!

Voting began at 12:01 am today and will continue until 7:30 pm tomorrow (Thursday). I encourage you to read the platform statements of each candidate (emailed to you this morning) and vote online (the link was also email to you this morning). All of the information is available through the Student Union website as well– Below is a list of the candidates for each office:

Meghan Everett
Jack Kirwin
Amanda Papa

Executive Vice President:
MP Bagnowski
Rita Rochford

Vice President for Business Affairs:
Sean Cahill
Michael Fox
Christine Liebrecht

Vice President for Judicial Affairs:
Lauren Halladay

Vice President for Student Organizations:
Chantel Davis
Dvon Gay
Chelsey Neuhaus
Steve Stefanowicz

Vice President for Programming:
Erin Flaherty
Angela Petitto

Vice President for Communication:
Ashley Bauer

Please take the time to vote for the Executive Board–these are the students who will represent YOU and be YOUR VOICE during the 2010 term.

Good luck to all the candidates.

With love for JCU,