Final Meeting

December 7, 2009

The final Senate meeting of the 2009 term is on Tuesday at 5 pm in the Jardine Room–Please join us!

With love for JCU,

Dr. Somers, Director of Grasselli Library, Meets with the Senate

December 2, 2009

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends. The semester is quickly coming to an end and, sadly, this will be one of my last entries…

Tuesday evening Dr. Somers, the Director of Grasselli Library, attended our Senate meeting at our request. With finals approaching there were concerns regarding study spaces and hours at the library. Specifically, there are a number of study corrals that have been locked or designated for faculty use only. Dr. Somers assured the Senate that the locked rooms would be unlocked and they are investigating how often the faculty members are using the ones assigned to them. A floor plan specifying which rooms are available for student use will be provided at the front desk.

Also, concerns are being addressed in regards to non-JCU affiliated individuals taking over computers and study rooms for extended periods of time. We want to be accommodating to our neighbors, but students have the priority.

The library’s extended hours should begin next Thursday, December 10 and run through Finals Week.

Always remember the library staff is eager to help with all your project and research needs, especially during this critical crunch time!

With love for JCU,