Discussion During Difficult Times

October 31, 2009

At our Senate meeting on Tuesday, we had the largest crowd we have ever seen. Administration, students, and a few faculty representatives joined the Student Union Senate meeting to share their concerns and frustrations regarding the tragedies our campus has faced in the last month or so.
President Matt Hiznay has been in continuous contact with Drs. McCarthy and Day since the meeting. The Executive Board also joined the faculty for their discussion on Friday.

We plan to continue our discussion at the Senate meeting at 5 pm on Tuesday in the LSC Conference Room and we will once again be joined be representatives from the Administration.

If you are in need of resources, personally or for a friend, please check the Counseling Center’s website.

During this time, it is more important than ever for us to join together and truly live the Jesuit mission of being men and women for others–we must take care of one another and support those who are hurting deeply.

With love for JCU,


Mayoral Debate

October 21, 2009

Please attend the University Heights Mayoral Debate on Wednesday, October 21 at 7 pm in the Jardine Room. If you plan on voting in this election it is especially important for you to attend so you can make an informed decision on the candidates.

With love for JCU,

Student Union Elections

October 18, 2009

I hope everyone enjoyed the Fall Break–it was definitely a much needed chance to relax and regroup!

This Tuesday, October 20, nominations for the Student Union Executive Board will open for the 2010 term. Potential candidates do not need to be present to be nominated, but those individuals accepting nominations must be present at the meeting on Tuesday, October 27.

Nominations will take place during the 5 pm Senate meetings in the LSC Conference Room.

I truly encourage you to consider whether or not the Student Union Executive Board is the way for you to “Get Involved”. All of the election information is posted on the JCU website–www.jcu.edu/su. If you have additional questions about elections or specific positions, please do not hesitate to contact any current Executive Board member.

With love for JCU,

John Carroll Email Migration to Gmail

October 7, 2009

Mr. Mike Bestul and Mr. Jim Burke from Information Technology Services joined the Student Union Senate today for our meeting to discuss plans to migrate student email from our internal system to Gmail.

The current internal email system is aging and costly to manage and upgrade. It is also limited in its functionality and the amount of storage available. Many schools have already made similar decisions and have been happy from both a cost perspective as well as student satisfaction.

Students would have 7Gb of inbox space as opposed to the 50 Mb we have currently! Your email address would not change and you will still be able to access your webmail for at least a little while.

ITS is hoping to make the transition over Thanksgiving Break or the Winter Break between the Fall and Spring Semesters. A technical walk through would be available for students needing assistance during the transition.

ITS and the Senate want your feedback on this change…so let us know!

With love for JCU,