John Carroll Email Migration to Gmail

Mr. Mike Bestul and Mr. Jim Burke from Information Technology Services joined the Student Union Senate today for our meeting to discuss plans to migrate student email from our internal system to Gmail.

The current internal email system is aging and costly to manage and upgrade. It is also limited in its functionality and the amount of storage available. Many schools have already made similar decisions and have been happy from both a cost perspective as well as student satisfaction.

Students would have 7Gb of inbox space as opposed to the 50 Mb we have currently! Your email address would not change and you will still be able to access your webmail for at least a little while.

ITS is hoping to make the transition over Thanksgiving Break or the Winter Break between the Fall and Spring Semesters. A technical walk through would be available for students needing assistance during the transition.

ITS and the Senate want your feedback on this change…so let us know!

With love for JCU,

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